IEEE Contributions
Barry L.
Shoop - GHN: IEEE Global History Network
Barry L. Shoop has made contributions across the breadth of IEEE that have changed the very fabric of its operations and governance, from local geographic units to the Board of Directors. His strategic vision has allowed him to lead the way to revolutionary changes within IEEE in the way IEEE thinks…
More important than the list of positions I have held in IEEE is what I have done for IEEE in those positions. The following highlights just a few of the contributions I have made to the IEEE.

- The goal of the
Metropolitan Area Workshops is to increase member engagement and provide value
to IEEE members and their local community by providing career assistance,
professional networking and education on technology
- The target audience is the practioner – practicing
engineers and technical professionals who are innovators, have a desire to learn
more, and/or are in career transition or considering a career
- The content addresses emerging technologies that are in
demand within the local geographic area. Example topics include, but are not
limited to, Cloud Computing, Smart Grid, Software Engineering, Mobile
Application Development and Electric Vehicle
As Region 1 Director, I made the Region 1 Board of Governors a more efficient and effective governing body. By streamlining the reporting structure and focusing on important and strategic issues, we were able to make the governance more effective thereby positioning the Region to better support the activities of the Sections and the members. As Region 1 Director-
Elect, I led the transformation of the Annual Region 1 Summer Training Workshop into a Leadership Workshop – one that more effectively developed the entire Region 1 Leadership Team.

I have lectured extensively throughout the world on the subject of effective leadership. In 2009 I wrote an e-Book entitled “A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership” published by IEEE-USA. In 2010 I authored An Introduction to Leadership: A Primer for the Practitioner for the IEEE eLearning Library.
Barry's book "Launching Your Career: A Practitioners Guide to Leadership" is a brilliant, concise (32 page) book with good advice for professionals at all levels. ‒ Don Herres
2013 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award citation:
For vision and leadership in improving IEEE operations and governance, and for building a stronger foundation for IEEE’s strategic future