Barry L Shoop

2016 IEEE President


This election cycle, IEEE and its members are extremely fortunate to have two of its most competent and highly qualified leaders as candidates for the 2015 President-elect, 2016 President Position. Dr. Shoop is an eminently qualified and competent leader whose work as a senior volunteer has made the IEEE the better organization that we have today. I like to offer a few comments that speak to his contributions as a senior IEEE volunteer. I am sure that many of us are aware of his experience and contributions to OSA, ABET, as a professional electrical engineer and educator and most importantly in the humanitarian work to mitigate the harms of improvised explosive devices.

The Secretary of IEEE concurrently serves as chair of the Governance Committee which was conventionally charged mainly with editorial oversight of the IEEE bylaws. Under Shoop’s leadership, this committee was transformed into a proactive arm of IEEE that ensures that Organizational Units work harmoniously together and act as advisor to those units to ensure that rules of governance are enacted to make IEEE an effectively managed organization. I am sure that you will agree with my view that this is the single-most contribution that Shoop has made to the IEEE.

The transformation of the Regional Activities Board (RAB) into the present Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is the single-most significant outcome of the RAB Enterprise Engineering Project Ad Hoc Committee which Shoop chaired. Many of our colleagues credit Dr. Shoop with the patient, persuasive and clear vision that lead the group to develop and recommend the new structure, first to RAB, and then to the IEEE Board. We now enjoy the fruits of this breakthrough which has done wonders to the value of membership in our organization.

A unique innovative collaboration between IEEE organizational units is the Metropolitan Area Workshops providing professional education and certification to participating members allowing them to enhance their skills at the technical and professional levels. While this enterprise is currently an activity of regions 1-6, it is being considered as a major high-value activity in other regions. Shoop lead this effort as part of IEEE USA and MGA’s strategy to address membership decline in Region 1-6.

I ask you to join me in supporting Dr. Shoop for 2015 IEEE President-Elect and 2016 IEEE President.

Mo El-Hawary
IEEE Fellow
2002-03 Member IEEE Board of Directors, AND Director Region 7
2004-05 IEEE Secretary, and Member IEEE Board of Directors
2004-07 IEEE Press Editor-in-Chief

I know Barry Shoop since 2006, when he was the Region 1 Director and I was the Region 1 GOLD Coordinator.  I witnessed his strong leadership, and outstanding management skill that made the Region 1 Board to be more efficient and effective in operation.  As a result, Region 1 was better served its Sections and Members.

Barry has always inspired me with his leadership, management skill, and dedication for IEEE. He has demonstrated volunteering professionalism through dedication and a spirit of excellence.  He has been a wonderful advisor to me, and always provided his wisdom on how we should do things by sharing his past experience and knowledge.  I have full confidence in Barry's leadership and capability will move IEEE forward, and to bring move values to our membership and the Institute globally.

I am highly supporting him for the IEEE President-Elect 2015.

Gim Soon Wan
IEEE Boston Section Chair (2012-2013)
RAB GOLD Committee Chair (2007)

Barry and I have worked together for about six years on the IEEE Board of Directors when he was the IEEE Secretary and I was the Region 10 Director; on the RAB (Regional Activities Board) when he was Chair of RAB Membership Business Unit Ad Hoc Committee and member of the RAB Strategic Planning Committee and I was the Region 10 Director-Elect; and on the IEEE Nominations and Appointment Committee when both he and I were members of that committee.  I was always strongly impressed by his passion, sincerity, and devotion to IEEE.  Although he has listened to other opinions and not spoken frequently, his opinions, when he made a comment, were clearly logical, well-grounded, and persuasive because they were based on developing IEEE.  When I joined the RAB meeting for the first time as the Region 10 Director-Elect, furious arguments were made about the migration from RAB to MGA (Member and Geographic Activities).  I was very struck with his passionate explanation on the migration in a crisp and clear manner as a member of RAB Strategic Planning Committee.

I firmly believe that he will be one of the greatest IEEE Presidents and increase value to our members, our profession and public.

Yong-Jin Park
Region 10 Director-Elect (2006-2007)
Region 10 Director (2008-2009)
Nominations and Appointments Committee (2011-2012)
Professor, Waseda University


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